How to Add Bugsnag to Strapi v4

Learn how to integrate Bugsnag into a Strapi v4 project via a global middleware function

Published on
Jul 30, 2022

Read time
2 min read


In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to add Bugsnag to a Strapi project via a global middleware function.

Bugsnag is a useful tool for monitoring and reporting bugs.

Strapi is a powerful headless CMS. Its most recent version, v4, introduced significant changes to the structure of the project, meaning that older tutorials (such as this one, for v3) are no longer relevant.

Creating a new Strapi Project

To create a new Strapi project, run:

npx create-strapi-app@latest my-project

Installing Dependencies

Navigate into your new project, and install the following dependencies. Strapi is built using Koa, so we’ll need to use Bugsnag’s Koa plugin.

npm install --save @bugsnag/js @bugsnag/plugin-koa

Adding Bugsnag via a new Middleware

In src/index.js, you’ll see an empty bootstrap function. In here, we can initiate Bugsnag.

async bootstrap({ strapi }) {
    apiKey: process.env.BUGSNAG_KEY,
    plugins: [BugsnagPluginKoa],

Make sure to install your key somewhere safe. In this example, we’ve added a environment variable called BUGSNAG_KEY to our .env file. This can be generated inside the Bugsnag UI (make sure to select the Koa template).

Next, we’ll add a new script to our package.json, which will help us use Strapi’s generate helper.

"scripts": {
  "generate": "strapi generate",
  // other scripts

Now we can run npm run generate. Choose middleware, call it “bugsnag”, and select Add middleware to root of project. You’ll now see a new file has been created atsrc/middlewares/bugsnag.js, which will look something like this:

"use strict";

module.exports = (config, { strapi }) => {
  return async (ctx, next) => {"In bugsnag middleware.");
    await next();

In here, we can use Bugsnag to handle requests and errors. We’ll call strapi server use and then handle the errors inside the catch of a try/catch block.

"use strict";

const Bugsnag = require("@bugsnag/js");

module.exports = (_config, { strapi }) => {
  strapi.server.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    const middleware = Bugsnag.getPlugin("koa");
    try {
      await middleware.requestHandler(ctx, next);
    } catch (error) {
      middleware.errorHandler(error, ctx);
      throw error;

Finally, we need to tell Strapi when to trigger this new middleware. This can be done inside config/middlewares.js. Our new middleware is called "global::bugsnag" and it should be activated as early as possible. In our new project, it can go right at the top of the array:

module.exports = ({ env }) => [
  // other middlewares

You should now have a working Bugsnag integration!

Testing Your Integration

To test your integration, you can call Bugsnag.notify(new Error("test")) in the codebase and you should see this error logged in your Bugsnag dashboard. This could be done, for example, inside another custom middleware.

© 2025 Bret Cameron