Error Handling in JavaScript: a Quick Guide

Is There a Right Way to Get Stuff Wrong?

Published on
Oct 10, 2019

Read time
8 min read


There is no such thing as perfect code. Even if there was, our users will always find surprising ways to break what once seemed like perfectly watertight code and attempt to do things that we don’t want them to! How do we control these perilous situations? Using errors!

In this article, we’ll look into error handling in JavaScript. We’re specifically talking about runtime errors — sometimes called execution errors. These are the errors that occur while our programming is running: if they’re not caught, then they’ll typically crash our programs, something we usually want to avoid! By the end of the article, you’ll have seen several different approaches to error handling in JavaScript, as well as several ways to extend JavaScript’s built-in Error to make it more useful.

But first, a thorny question…

Should I use throw, return or console.error?

This is the question that inspired me to write this article. I wanted to know the best practices around when we should throw an error, when we should use return, and when console.error should come in.

Even if you’re new to JavaScript, you should have a decent understanding of return. You may not have encountered console.error or console.exception, but these are also easy to grasp: they’re essentially console.log — except, in eye-popping red!

But what about the throw statement? This is the keyword used to throw an exception, an event which disrupts the normal flow of our program’s instructions. And this is the key characteristic which distinguishes throw from return: after a function throws an exception, the runtime system will try to find a way to handle the exception. In other words, throw will look additional actions to take. By contrast, return will simply finish the execution of a function.

Using throw without a try ... catch statement

On to our first example. What happens if we throw an error without a try ... catch statement? I’ll adapt a simple example from MDN:

function getRectArea(width, height) {
  if (isNaN(width) || isNaN(height)) {
    throw new Error("Parameter is not a number!");

  return width * height;

console.log(getRectArea("abc", 123));

If we run the code above, the funciton will output the same thing, regardless of whether we throw or return the error.

There is a difference, though. If there is no catch statement, throw will log to the console by default and it will prevent our program from continuing execution. If we use return, this won’t happen, and we have to specifically call console.log to see whatever our function has returned.

Using throw with a try ... catch statement

Now, let’s add in a try ... catch statement. This statement will attempt to run our getRectArea function, but if that fails, it will perform the actions specified in the catch block:

function getRectArea(width, height) {
  if (isNaN(width) || isNaN(height)) {
    throw new Error("Parameter is not a number!");

  return width * height;

try {
  getRectArea("abc", 123);
} catch (e) {

In this example, only throw will trigger the catch block. (We cannot replace is with return and get the same logic to execute). If there is no catch block, throw will stop the program and log the error to the console.

So, when should we use throw? If an error is not expected in normal operation (that is to say, it occurs rarely), then that is the best time to reach for throw. It is almost always the easiest — and, sometimes, the fastest — way to catch rare exceptions, because the program will immediately execute the relevant catch statement.

Common exceptions: a case when throw might not be unnecessary

So, when would we consider returning or logging an error instead of throwing it? For some errors, which are predictable and occur commonly, using throw could, in fact, often be significantly slower than the alternatives.

Later in the article, we’ll create a new error type called RequiredInputError. This will help other developers working on our project understand and locate the error, but — as this error could be quite common — we don’t want to unnecessarily slow our users’ experience by immediately reaching for throw.

Solution 1

If our use-case was really that simple, we wouldn’t need to return the error either. We could just return, say, a boolean and log the error to the console. For example:

function isBlank(input) {
  if (input) return false;
  console.error(new Error("A required field is blank."));
  return true;

Solution 2

This works fine. But in a larger, more complex project, it may make sense to return the error and store the error-handling logic (including console.error) somewhere else. Here’s a basic example of what that might look like:

function isBlank(input) {
  if (input) return false;
  return new Error("A required field is blank.");

const input = "";

if (isBlank(input) instanceof Error) {

Returning errors in promises

Another scenario in which it is better to choose return over throw is when using asynchronous code — namely, inside a Promise. If we try to throw an Error inside a Promise, there may be occasions where it is not caught correctly, depending on the structure of the code. That’s why promises have their own specific catch statement.

For Promises, it’s advised to use the reject and resolve methods (which return whatever’s inside the parentheses), and then to use Promise.prototype.catch() for any additional error handling.

Here’s a simple example of that in action — a function which asynchronously checks whether a user’s input is blank and, if it is, returns an Error:

async function isBlankAsync(input) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (!input) reject(new Error("A validation error"));


isBlankAsync().catch((e) => console.error(e));

Understanding the Error object

In every example above, we used the Error object to store a particular error message. We didn’t have to do that: just as return can return any type of object, we could also throw a string, object or anything else!

But, as far as I can tell, there are two reasons to reach for the Error object, rather than just throwing (or returning) a string:

  1. The Error object is the conventional way of describing errors, so this is what libraries, frameworks and other developers expect, and so it makes your code more readable and accessible.
  2. The Error object contains additional information — primarily, the “error stack” — which is really useful when it comes to debugging. The error stack traces which functions were called, in what order, from which line and file, and with what arguments: everything you’re used to seeing below the main error message.

Error properties and methods

Here’s a simple example of the generic Error object.

const err = new Error("Incorrect file type provided");

By default, our Error has two properties:

  • a name — in this case, "Error"
  • a message — in this case, "Incorrect file type provided"

On top of that, we have the toString method, which prints you the name and the message together. There are a handful of additional properties and methods, but these are mostly specific to Firefox, so they’re not recommended in production!

For the remainder of this article, we’ll look into three ways we can extend the basic Error object into something that’s more useful — at least, in specific situations.

Creating a TypeError Class

So, what if we wanted to extend the Error object? JavaScript comes with several more specific error-types built-in. One of them is a TypeError, used when a value is not of the expected type. But let’s say we wanted to create our own TypeError with more functionality.

Let’s say we wanted a TypeError that, by default, told us which type a variable was supposed to be and which type it actually is. Our constructor should take a value and a type. Then, unless a message is provided, we’ll create a default message that makes any type differences clear. We’ll be using ES6+ classes, and all of the logic can go in the constructor:

class TypeError extends Error {
  constructor(value, type, ...params) {

    if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
      Error.captureStackTrace(this, TypeError);
    } = "TypeError";
    this.typeRequired = type;
    this.typeSupplied = typeof value;
    this.value = value;

    if (!this.message && this.typeRequired !== this.typeSupplied) {
      this.message = `The value ${this.value} has type "${this.typeSupplied}", but it should have type "${this.typeRequired}".`;

First, we call super(...params) to pass the default arguments (like message) to the parent Error object.

Next, we check to see whether the Error object has a captureStackTraceMethod. If it does, we should call it, as that will provide our class with a stack property. (Generally, if captureStackTraceMethod, the stack is provided by default).

Finally, we create name, typeRequired and typeSupplied properties. If a message isn’t provided and the typeSupplied is not identical to the typeRequired, we send a default message. That’s it!

Paste in the code above and try calling new TypeError("10", "number"). In some environments, like Node.js, you’ll see the whole error object. To make sure you’re only seeing the stack, call new TypeError("10", "number").stack.

Creating a RequiredInputError Class

Now, we’ll have a look at communicating our error to end-users. Obviously, they don’t want or need as much information as a developer does.

What if we wanted to log an error to the console and send a short error message to our end-users? There are lots of ways to achieve, but handling both in a custom Error objects is one way to keep things neat.

First, let’s create a new error class called RequiredInputError:

class RequiredInputError extends Error {
  constructor(label, ...params) {

    if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
      Error.captureStackTrace(this, RequiredInputError);
    } = "UserInputError";
    this.label = label;
    this.userMessage = `The field "${label}" is required.`;

    if (!this.message) this.message = this.userMessage;

Our new class is similar to our TypeError class above, but we’ve added a new property called userMessage, which we can then display in the DOM.

The exact way you go about this will depend on the framework you’re using, so here’s just one example. Let’s say we had a variable called userInput and we were using React. We could create an error object, send the error’s userMessage to our end-user using state, and — only if we’re in a development environment — log the error stack to the console. Let’s create a function that does exactly that:

const isBlank = (userInput, fieldName) => {
  if (!userInput) {
    const error = new RequiredInputError(fieldName);
    this.setState({ error: error.userMessage });

    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {

    return true;

  return false;

Now, can simply call isBlank on a variable:

isBlank(userInput, "email");

If the input is blank, the user will see a message that the variable is required. In addition, any developers working on the project will see all the information they need to know about where the error is occurring and why!

This may seem like overkill for just one input, but if your website has a lot of forms, it could be useful to identify missing fields with a unique class of error.

Adding a toJSON method

Finally, we’ll create a third class, to demonstrate one last use-case: what if we wanted to serialise the various parts of our string as a regular object? This could be useful if, for example, we want to send errors between the client and our server.

This is fairly simple to achieve — we just need to expose the various properties in a new method:

class CustomError extends Error {
  constructor(...params) {

    if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
      Error.captureStackTrace(this, CustomError);
    } = "ValidationError"; = new Date();

  toJSON() {
    return {
      message: this.message,
      stack: this.stack,

There are a lot of similarities to the previous two examples. This time, we’ve added a custom date property, and in our toJSON method, we’re returning all the properties in their own object. This makes it easy to send and receive all the data available with each error. It could also be used to preserve the call trace if you want to rethrow an error.


Handling errors is an inevitable reality of any programming, so I hope this article has given you some new ideas about how to handle errors in your next JavaScript project. We’ve clarified the distinction between throw, return and console.error and we’ve looked at various ways to extend the built-in Error object.

If you’d like to find out more about any of the topics discussed in the article, I would head over to MDN, which has a lot of useful examples. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

© 2025 Bret Cameron